• 电商管培生
  • [全职]
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  • 电商管培生
  • 8.0-10.0K/月
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  • 本科及以上
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  • 招聘 人数不限
来源: boss直聘
  • 440100


工作职责: 1.营销策划与执行:负责抖音等平台店铺的营销和推广,协助制定并执行有效的营销策略,包括但不限于促销活动、广告投放和内容营销;通过分析用户行为和购买习惯,优化营销策略,提高转化率和销售额。 2.促销活动策划与执行:负责策划和执行各种促销活动,如抖音直播、淘宝直播、优惠券、限时折扣等;通过有效的推广活动,提高品牌曝光度和用户参与度。 3.数据分析与优化:运用数据分析工具,监控并收集各类数据,如营销数据、交易数据、商品管理、顾客管理等;分析用户行为数据、销售数据和营销活动效果;通过数据驱动的决策,优化产品、营销策略和用户体验,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。收集竞品相关信息,制定可行性分析报告。 4.平台运营与维护:与平台方小二日常关系的维护,确保工作过程中的良性对接;负责在抖音/淘宝等电商平台进行产品上架、促销设置、订单处理、客户服务等工作;确保平台运营顺畅,提高用户满意度。 5.团队协作与沟通:与产品、设计、客服等团队紧密合作,共同推进项目进展。及时与团队成员沟通交流,解决问题,确保项目按时完成。 职位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,电子商务、市场营销、统计学等相关专业优先。 2. 对电商行业有浓厚兴趣,并希望在行业内长期发展。 3. 具备出色的营销策略思维和数据分析能力,能够协助策划并执行有效的营销活动。 4. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能够积极与团队成员合作,共同完成任务。 5. 能够适应快速变化的工作环境,具备优秀的学习能力和解决问题的能力。 6. 英语读写能力良好,能够熟练运用办公软件。 7. 有电商实习经验者优先考虑。 8. 具备海外生活,留学,义工等经验者优先。 9. 日语,韩语,马来语,印尼语,泰语,越南语等小语种使用者优先 我们为你提供: 1. 竞争力的薪酬待遇和完善的福利体系:六险一金、年度调薪、项目奖金、公司产品免费发、年中旅游、生日会、带薪年假、年度体检。 2. 丰富的培训课程和学习机会,让你在实践中快速成长。 3. 充满活力和创新的工作氛围:90后员工居多,团队年轻有活力;各类员工活动场地或活动,如乒乓球室、篮球队、狼人杀、羽毛球、各类节日主题活动等。 4. 良好的职业发展路径和晋升机会,为你的职业生涯保驾护航 5. 上班时间:弹性上班、双休 Job Responsibilities 1. Marketing Strategies Execution : Assist in formulating and implementing effective marketing strategies on Tmall/TikTok, including but not limited to promotional activities, advertising placement, and content marketing; optimize marketing strategies by analyzing user behavior and purchasing habits to improve conversion rates and sales. 2. Promotional activities planning : Responsible for planning and executing various promotional activities, such as TikTok live broadcasts, Taobao live broadcasts, coupons, time-limited discounts, etc.; enhance brand exposure and user participation through effective promotional activities. 3. Data analysis and optimization: Use data analysis tools to monitor and collect various data, such as marketing data, transaction data, product management, customer management, etc.; analyze user behavior data, sales data, and marketing campaign results; optimize products, marketing strategies, and user experiences through data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty; collect relevant information about competitors and develop a feasibility analysis report. 4. Daily operation of Tmall/TikTok: Maintain relationships with members of staff from Tmall/TikTok to ensure positive communication ; be responsible for tasks such as product listing, promotion setting, order processing, customer service; ensure smooth platform operation and improve user satisfaction. 5. Team collaboration and communication: Work closely with colleagues from product, design, customer service, etc., to jointly promote work progress; communicate and solve problems with team members in a timely manner to ensure project completion on time. Job Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above. Degree in E-commerce, marketing, statistics, etc are preferred. 2. keen interest in the e-commerce industry and deep understanding of platforms such as TikTok and Tmall. 3. Excellent market-oriented thinking and data analysis skills, being able to independently plan and implement effective marketing activities. 4. Familiarity with the operation process of TikTok/Tmall and other e-commerce platforms. 5. Good communication skills and teamwork spirit, being able to actively cooperate with team members to complete tasks together. 6. Be able to adapt to a rapidly changing work environment, with excellent learning and problem-solving abilities. 7. Be proficient in English reading and writing; be able to use office software proficiently. 8. Candidates with e-commerce internship experience are preferred. 9. Candidates with overseas experience are preferred. 10. Candidates who can speak Japanese, Korean, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese or other foreign minority languages are preferred We offer: 1. Competitive salary packages and comprehensive welfare systems:six social insurance and one housing fund, annual salary adjustment, project bonus, complimentary products of the company, mid-year tourism, birthday party, paid annual leave, annua


  • 所属行业 互联网/电子商务
  • 涉及领域 --
  • 公司性质
  • 公司规模 5000以上
  • 公司网址 --
  • 所在地址 nullnull


